Nature’s Viagra: Nutrients to Enhance Male Vitality. Explaining the Efficacy, Dosage, and Precautions of Arginine with Sufficient Scientific Evidence

Erectile dysfunction is not someone else’s problem.

If you don’t manage it early on, you might never be able to revive it. It’s not severe enough for Viagra, but if you’re somewhat dissatisfied, today’s video will be helpful. I must mention, for those who have already crossed the threshold, combining physical and psychological factors, it might be inevitable. But for those in the gray area, this will surely be beneficial. Let’s get right to the point.

First, let’s look at the prevalence of erectile dysfunction by age. You can see it sharply increases with age. Some might not notice it, thinking they’re still vigorous. But conditions like hypertension, diabetes, prostate diseases, and male menopause are directly linked to erectile dysfunction.
If you’ve been alerted about your blood pressure or sugar levels in your health check-ups, you need to pay close attention. This could be about you.

Are there any of you who feel a slight discomfort or change during sexual activity but are ignoring it? Don’t leave it unattended. What appears as a symptom can turn into a disease over time.

Erectile dysfunction can stem from physical and psychological factors. Neglecting minor physical issues can lead to psychological problems, which are much harder to treat.

If you feel any discomfort, it’s crucial to address it before it gets serious. Let’s now identify the early signs of erectile dysfunction. Count along with me. I’ll do it with you. Just knowing the signs can help you catch it early.

First, the rigidity of the penis decreases compared to before.
Second, it takes longer for the penis to become engorged.
Third, even if it does, maintaining it becomes difficult.
Fourth, you feel less confident before intercourse.
Fifth, satisfaction after intercourse decreases.

How many fingers did you fold? Hopefully, none of you had to fold all of them.

Honestly, when I first thought, “Could it be me?” I was in denial. But acknowledging the possibility is crucial. Remember, erectile dysfunction can be an early sign of circulatory diseases. Even those not sexually active shouldn’t ignore this.

You’ve probably heard that biotin is good for erectile dysfunction. Developed by Pfizer, Viagra has become synonymous with ED treatment. Let’s understand what happens when the penis becomes engorged.

Initially, nerve stimulation from the brain triggers the production of nitric oxide in the blood vessel walls. This nitric oxide activates cGMP, causing the arteries in the penis to expand. This allows more blood to flow into the cavernous body of the penis. Over time, cGMP, which helped increase blood flow, is suppressed by PDE5, making the penis smaller again. Viagra inhibits PDE5, promoting blood flow. However, it’s famous for its side effects due to its origins as a heart medication. Common side effects include indigestion, headaches, facial flushing, and it’s not suitable for those on nitrate medication.

Many feel uncomfortable relying on medication for sexual activity. If you’re worried about Viagra’s side effects or dislike depending on medication, you need to look for alternatives. What then? The answer is arginine.

Arginine, often known as natural Viagra, is a semi-essential amino acid similar to Viagra. Earlier, we discussed the engorgement process. When the brain receives nerve stimulation, nitric oxide is produced in the blood vessel walls. Arginine helps in the production of this nitric oxide. Nitric oxide activates cGMP, causing the penis to engorge.

The increase in blood flow to the genital area due to nitric oxide produced by arginine is significant. While Viagra prevents the breakdown of cGMP, arginine helps produce it. As studies on nitric oxide and aging show, nitric oxide production decreases with age, making it beneficial for older individuals to supplement arginine externally.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in November 2010 showed an increase in blood nitric oxide levels when arginine was consumed an hour before exercise. Increased nitric oxide levels in the blood improve the blood flow in the penis, extending the duration of an erection.

I’m sharing these scientifically backed insights to help you. If you’re finding this helpful, please like the video. Another reason older individuals seek arginine is to compensate for the physical limitations that come with age. Even if there’s no issue with penile function, many struggle due to lack of stamina. Arginine is also used as an energy supplement by athletes for conditioning.

In a 2010 study published in the journal ‘Stemmer’, arginine was shown to promote the development of brown adipose tissue, reducing fat and boosting muscle mass and metabolism.

Let’s examine another study. Athletes performing high-intensity water polo exercises improved their endurance when they consumed arginine for a month compared to the control group.

Arginine not only aids in late growth but also speeds up recovery in exercise endurance, which naturally translates to increased stamina during sexual activities. So, how should men consume arginine? This is crucial information. Arginine is most abundant in eels, known for their potency. But to reap the benefits of arginine from eels, you’d need to consume dozens of them. That’s impractical and problematic due to the triglycerides in so many eels accumulating in the body. Therefore, it’s best to take arginine as a supplement.

The National Science Foundation in the USA recommends consuming 3000 to 6000 mg of arginine on an empty stomach. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2010 found that drinking a beverage containing 6000 mg of arginine an hour before exercise significantly increased blood nitric oxide levels compared to a placebo group.

Arginine is not easily absorbed and 38% is broken down upon entering the intestine. Therefore, doses below 3000 mg are unlikely to be effective. The National Science Foundation advises not exceeding 6800 mg daily. Since research on arginine’s effectiveness typically uses doses around 6000 mg, it’s recommended to consume between 3000 mg (for minimum effect) and 6000 mg (safe limit) based on individual needs.

Pairing arginine intake with simple leg exercises and stair climbing can enhance its effects, offering more lasting and definitive results than any supplement or diet.

And now, many might ask for product recommendations. I’ll share what I use openly. I use this product, which has sufficient arginine content and also includes zinc for synergistic effects, allowing for easy consumption. I find this product affordable and suitable for me, but if you already have a preferred arginine supplement at home, continue with that.

Some who are taking Viagra ask if they can consume arginine alongside it. Since this depends on individual health conditions, it’s best to consult the doctor who prescribed Viagra for the most accurate advice.

Today, we’ve discussed arginine, dubbed nature’s Viagra, and its effects on potency and erectile dysfunction. Although famous as a potency aid, arginine offers many benefits, including as a workout supplement and fatigue recovery aid. But no matter what supplement you take, always follow the proper dosage and instructions.

Until next time, stay strong and healthy.

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